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News and Events

10 years of CBD's Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative

On 5 June 2024, during the World Environmental Day, we've launched the promotional video celebrating 10 years of the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative. Learn more.

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FERI global webinar (2024)

On 21 March 2024, FERI hosted and Webinar to celebrate 10 years of the Initiative, and the international day of forests. Learn more.

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SBSTTA 25 side-event: KM-GBF Target 2 - from commitment to implementation

In October 2023, the CBD secretariat, in collaboration with UNEP and FAO, organized a side-event during SBSTTA 25. Learn more


CBD at UNFF18: interlinkages of the KM-GBF and the Global Forest Goals (2023)

The CBD Secretariat organized a side event on 8 May 2023, to discuss the complementarities between the UN Strategic Plan for Forests and the KM-GBF. Learn more 


SBSTTA 26 side event (2024

On 15 May 2024, CBD hosted and a side-event at SBSTTA26 to launch the draft version of the Resource Guide to Target 2. Learn more.

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Roadmap for Target 2 global workshop (2023)

CBD, FAO and UNEP hosted a global workshop, on November 2023, convening countries, academia, IPLCs and civil society to strengthen monitoring and implementation of the KM-GBF Target 2. Learn More


International Forum facilitated by FERI (2023)

The CBD-FERI team hosted, on September 2023, the workshop on ecosystem restoration-related planning and capacity building needs for the implementation of the KM-GBF Target 2. Learn More

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COP 15 side-event: Forest Ecosystem Restoration, a crucial piece of the new Global Biodiversity Framework

The side-event highlighted the need to assess and design restoration plans and programs, linking to finance and upscale implementation on forest ecosystem restoration programs. Learn More

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