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Delivering Restoration Outcomes for biodiversity and human wellbeing. Resource Guide to Target 2 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

16th May 2024, Nairobi.




The event brought together experts, government representatives, and stakeholders to discuss the alignment of national restoration targets with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) Target 2, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and experiences. The objectives of the event included: Provide a platform for countries to share their experiences in setting up national restoration targets aligned with KMGBF Target 2; and to Present the draft Resource Guide for Target 2 and initiate an informal feedback process to integrate inputs and recommendations from parties, experts, and other stakeholders.

The country spotlight segment featured insightful presentations from two countries:


Japan: Mr. Hayato Ishii from Japan's Ministry of Environment discussed the legal and policy mechanisms adopted to facilitate the implementation of Target 2 across the whole of government, including the inclusion of traditional agricultural landscapes such as Satoyama in restoration plans.

Kenya: Ms. Lucy Ng'ang'a from Kenya's Ministry of Environment and Forestry shared how Kenya plans to integrate biodiversity conservation and human well-being objectives in the planning and implementation of Target 2.

Julian Fox, Senior Forestry Officer at FAO's Forestry Division, presented the ongoing work on the Framework on Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM), outlining its goals and progress.

The event concluded with closing remarks from Jamal Annagylyjova from the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), who emphasized the significance of continued collaboration and input from all stakeholders to ensure the success of global restoration efforts.


On 16 May 2024, the CBD team, in collaboration with the FAO, UNEP, CIFOR-ICRAF and SER team hosted a side-event during SBSTTA 26 to launch the draft version of the Resource Guide to Target 2 of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The event was structured into two sections: the first introduced the resource guide, while the second discussed the national restoration targets and implementation.


The event kicked off with opening remarks from Natalia Alekseeva, UN Decade Coordinator at UNEP, and Tiina Vähänen, Deputy Director of the Forestry Division at FAO. They emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving global restoration targets.

George Gann from the Society of Ecological Restoration (SER) presented the discussion draft of the T2 Resource Guide. He provided background on the process, an overview of the guide, and focused on the key elements of Target 2, highlighting opportunities for stakeholder engagement.

This side-event not only highlighted the progress and challenges faced by different countries but also fostered an inclusive dialogue to refine and enhance the T2 Resource Guide, ensuring it meets the needs and expectations of all involved.

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With financial support from: 

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